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Trailwoods Publishing
On Sale September 20, 2019

Who Made a Hole in the Chicken Coop?
Written by Malvika Patel
Illustrated by Ekaterina Bulankina

One sunny morning, Mama Chick walks out of her coop and discovers a giant hole in her coop. She and her chickens are very concerned. They need to know who made this hole, and why! Could it really be one of their friends on the farm? Children will be immersed in the mystery, trying to figure it out as they move from page to page until they get to the feel-good ending that they can relate to perfectly at this age. Prepare to use your intuitive skills as you are caught up in the chickens’ mission but can’t stop laughing at every turn of the page.

This book is meticulously researched and written, encouraging the child to develop an inquirer mindset. The author, Malvika Patel spent over a year perfecting this book for the appropriate age group, including extensive research on child psychology and analysis of the types of stories children like to hear at every age and stage of development. She found that children in the Pre-K to Kindergarten age group enjoy problem-solving; pattern recognition to build confidence; and fun, likable animals like chickens. Her book covers all these aspects.

“As children get a little older, they want to read books that challenge them, and Who Made a Hole in the Chicken Coop has that fundamental with frolicsome farm animals that they will adore,” says Patel about her new book. “This book is perfect for children between the ages of 3-6, especially children who enjoy solving a mystery or a problem. With my books, I want to trigger children’s imagination, make them think and get involved in the story.”

Lewis Perdue New York Times Bestselling author of 22 books said this about the book, "This is a charming and inventive children's book that remains educational even as it entertains. Its engaging farmyard mystery narrative cleverly and successfully disguises a lesson in problem-solving logic without wandering anywhere near the didactic. If my children were still young, I'd buy this book for them."

Malvika Patel is a mother of two wonderful boys. Her second book If I Lived in an Igloo is set to release later this year. She is currently working on a historical fiction novel for adults inspired by true events.

Children's Fiction/ Family
Paperback, 8.5 x 8.5 inches, 32 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7340078-0-0, $9.99 US

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From Who Made a Hole in the Chicken Coop by Malvika Patel with illustrations by Ekaterina Bulankina published by Trailwoods Publishing.

The book is available from: mybook.to/WhoMadeHoleChickenCoop
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Trailwoods Publishing